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Liquidity Aggregator ATNM Digital Solutions

Product description

Liquidity Aggregator is designed to help you connect and collect the best liquidity from an unlimited number of providers as an FX or digital asset liquidity aggregator.

Combined with your trading platform, this component delivers you access to a liquidity pool configured specifically for your business and your customers.

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Торговая площадка

market depth

Generate a market depth of up to 1000 layers, and deliver momentum statistics to your clients.

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Pre-set connections

Link  Liquidity Aggregator with your platform and utilize 40 ready-to-go connections to major digital asset, FX, and stocks liquidity providers.

Отслеживание колебаний цен

Full MT4 and MT5 compatibility

It takes up to three days to install and launch the basic version of the product on the MetaQuotes platform.

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Internal order execution

Save on commissions by generating internal liquidity and executing trades without sending them to providers. Get access to FX and digital asset liquidity rolled into one.

Execution models: compare, choose, switch on the go

Liquidity Aggregator ATNM Digital Solutions

Liquidity Aggregator enables choosing between different execution models according to both your and your customers' objectives.

  • STP (Straight Through Processing). Bypass the aggregated market depth and send orders straight to external execution. Build your customers' confidence by offering tighter spreads and eliminating re-quotes.

  • ECN (Electronic Communication Network). Generate internal liquidity by pairing client orders with each other using an engine with a decade of legacy.

  • ECN/STP. Use the advantages of both models, get your business as flexible as possible and manage quotation flows depending on the behavior of your clients, combining internal and external liquidity in arbitrary proportions.

  • In-house execution. Get an optimal test environment for your strategies by enabling completely internal allocation and execution of orders with prices from external providers.

Assets and trading models: as required by traders

With Liquidity Aggregator, you have FX and digital asset liquidity aggregator rolled into one, and offer Forex, Metals, CFD, and digital asset trading.

For each of the listed asset types, both leverage and deliverable trading models are available.

Level 2 liquidity from the launch

Generate up to 1000 layers on both bid and ask orders. Ensure minimum slippages and seamless executionFor each of the listed asset types, both leverage and deliverable trading models are available.

Forex, digital assets, and stocks liquidity

Whether you manage a Forex brokerage or supervise a blockchain-driven platform, Liquidity Aggregator can effectively provide FX liquidity aggregation or work as a digital asset liquidity aggregator. The product includes 40+ out-of-the-box connectors to major providers, offering FX, stocks, and digital asset liquidity.

  • The largest tech hubs like Integral and Currenex, One-Zero.

  • Major digital asset liquidity providers.

  • Stock liquidity providers like IB, Exante, etc.

Any major liquidity provider you are interested in can be integrated with your business.

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Brokerage risk management with Liquidity Aggregator

With Liquidity Aggregator, you can get the most out of the A-book/B-book hybrid risk management model by utilizing the risk hedging features, whether you use the product as an FX or digital asset liquidity aggregator

The trading multiplier system

Each trading account on the platform can be assigned a trading multiplier.

The value of this multiplier determines the percentage of the requested trading volume that goes to the external market. Use this feature to mitigate the possibility of exposing liquidity providers to toxic flows, while effectively hedging risks.

B-book latency elimination

Liquidity Aggregator enables external hedging of a minimum percentage of B-book trades (down to nano lots).

Trades are executed only after confirmation of the price by a liquidity provider, thus fully securing the broker in case of software failures and delays in price mapping.

Digital asset liquidity aggregator

Liquidity Aggregator ATNM Digital Solutions
Digital asset liquidity aggregator ATNM Digital Solutions

Digital asset liquidity aggregator

Given that the number of digital asset trading platforms has exceeded a couple of hundred, the need for a digital asset aggregator becomes apparent even to sophisticated professionals. With so many options, it's easy to get confused, but we can provide you with a customizable product that makes the job easier.

The history behind the product


In 2021 ATNM Digital Solutions started to develop a new product within the framework of the emerging need of one of the largest customers at that time. It was found there were opportunities to develop the technical capabilities of the most popular retail FX terminal (MetaTrader 4), to expand the opportunities of the platform where customers manage their trading.


At the very beginning, the concept of the product was to develop a “bridge” that connects the MT4 platform with external liquidity providers. The platform was connected to external liquidity providers through a plugin in the MT4, and clients started to move from B-Book to A-Book. However, the global vision of what this product should be — a hyper-flexible liquidity aggregator — allowed developers to gradually turn the pre-designed functionality into reality. It is now a versatile, multifunctional product for customers with a wide variety of requirements — brokerages, blockchain-driven platforms, CFD, and margin trading providers, a powerful tool that can become a reliable digital asset liquidity aggregator.

ATNM Digital Solutions Liquidity

The process of improving and adding new features goes on and every year Liquidity Aggregator becomes more powerful and innovative.

You’re free to install and use a two-week freemium version of Liquidity Aggregator

To get the installation package, contact our consultant.

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